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Certified medical devices made in Austria
PMA Zeolite for your guthealth

Our PANACEO blog:
News about our PMA - Zeolite and other PANACEO products

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PANACEO as an important representative at naturopath events in 2024

PANACEO Film - Erfolgsgeschichte

Our new PANACEO film: A look behind the scenes of our company

Nicole Schöll und Sarah Lehnert

PANACEO at the look! Business Awards

PANACEO beim Mühlviertel Classic 2024

PANACEO as a participant in the Mühlviertel Classic 2024 charity event

We are proud to have been part of this prestigious charity event and to have made a positive contribution to society.
PANACEO feiert 20 jähriges Jubiläum

PANACEO and zeolite: a 20-year success story for intestinal health

World market leader PANACEO International GmbH celebrates 20 years of zeolite research and development.

Movevo Move Days 2024 – Platz 1 für PANACEO 🎉

GOLD für PANACEO für die kreative Reizdarm-Radiokampagne! 🎬

Find out more about our unique zeolite, gut health and PANACEO research

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BASIC DETOX erstrahlt im neuen Glanz - Jetzt mit 100 % PMA-Zeolith®

Ab sofort gibt es unser bewährtes BASIC DETOX von PANACEO für Deine Detox-Routine als neues Reinprodukt - das heißt, im neuen BASIC DETOX sind ausschließlich 100 Prozent unseres reinen PMA-Zeolith®, ohne Kompromisse!
Die Haut im Fokus: Unsere Care Naturkosmetik mit PMA-Zeolith

Focus on the skin: our Care natural cosmetics with PMA zeolite

Discover how the natural power of PMA zeolite protects and regenerates your skin and prepares it perfectly for the challenges of winter.
Zeolith einnehmen: Pulver oder Kapseln – welche Form ist besser?

Taking zeolite: powder or capsules – which form is better?

When it comes to taking zeolite for intestinal health, many people are faced with a choice: zeolite powder or zeolite capsules? Both forms of the PMA zeolite, whether as a powder or as capsules, develop their effect in the organism.
Schwermetallbelastungen immer umfangreicher: Giftige Stoffe sogar in Tampons

Heavy metal contamination on the rise: toxic substances even in tampons

A recently published American study has shown highly critical levels of heavy metals in tampons, including those sold in our country. Stabilising and detoxifying the bowel can be a measure here.
Darmgesundheit und Depression – kann Zeolith unterstützen?

Depression: The gut can also play a causal role

Depression is not a temporary sadness or a series of bad days. Anyone suffering from depression, which can manifest itself in many different forms and stages, is surrounded by far more than melancholy, listlessness and dark thoughts.
Leaky-Gut: Wie Zeolith bei durchlässigem Darm wirkt

Leaky gut: How zeolite works for permeable intestines

For a long time, the importance of the gut for our health was underestimated. In recent years, however, understanding has changed and the central role of the gut in overall health has been confirmed by a wide range of scientific studies and publications.
Verbindung zwischen Darm und Gehirn: Neue Einsichten in neurodegenerative Erkrankungen

Connection between gut and brain: New insights into neurodegenerative diseases

The role the gut can play in Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's, depression and anxiety disorders.
Leber entgiften durch Entgiftung von Darm mit PMA-Zeolith von PANACEO

Liver detox - even more effective in combination with a colon cleanse

Intestinal reorganisation and liver detoxification with PMA zeolite: How we can protect our central metabolic organs.
Darmentgiftung als Erfolgsfaktor in der Fastenzeit

Intestinal detoxification as a success factor during Lent

A natural and effective intestinal detox with BASIC DETOX is the ideal support for achieving our fasting goals.
 Stress und Reizdarmsyndrom: Wie Stress den Verdauungstrakt beeinflusst

From the couch to relief: how sport and exercise can alleviate irretable bowel syndrom

Regular physical activity and exercise can have a positive influence on irritable bowel symptoms.
 Reizdarmsyndrom lindern durch Sport und Bewegung

From the couch to relief: how sport and exercise can alleviate irretable bowel syndrom

Regular physical activity and exercise can have a positive influence on irritable bowel symptoms.

Detoxify the body: Why and how to get rid of toxins

A detoxification cure can help rid the body of harmful substances and restore internal balance.
Was sind Tonminerale und wie wirken sie als natürliches Detox-Mittel im Körper?

What are clay minerals and how do they act as a natural detox agent in the body?

Clay minerals are natural minerals extracted from rocks containing clay and offer many health benefits to the body.
Natürliche Methoden zur Reduzierung von Ablagerungen und Schadstoffen im Körper

Natural methods to reduce pollutants in the body

In today's world, we are often exposed to many pollutants and deposits in our bodies. High exposure can have negative effects on our health.
Histaminintoleranz - Symptome und Linderung

Histamine intolerance: recognizing symptoms and strategies for relief

If you are suffering from unexplained symptoms such as headaches, fatigue or digestive problems, it is possible that you are suffering from histamine intolerance.
Polyphenole - Lebensmittel - Rezepte

Polyphenols explained: how these phytochemicals can help you live a healthier life

Polyphenols are mainly found in fruits and vegetables and have a positive effect on your health. Here you can learn how to cover your daily requirement of polyphenols.
Zusammenhang Fettleber und Ernährung

The connection between fatty liver and your diet: what you need to know

Millions of people worldwide are affected by fatty liver. What can be done about it and how can it be prevented?
 Darmsanierung mit PMA-Zeolith für einen gesunden Darm

Darmsanierung mit PMA-Zeolith für einen gesunden Darm

Schritt für Schritt zu einem gesunden Darm. In Ihrem Dickdarm tummeln sich Billionen Kleinstlebewesen.
Gesunder Darm mit PMA-Zeolith

Wie kann MED DARM-REPAIR bei Reizdarm helfen?

MED DARM-REPAIR ist ein All in One Präparat, dass bei Reizdarm nachweislich 5-fach wirkt und für eine deutliche Linderung von typischen Reizdarm-Symptomen sorgt.
Wie der Darm die Leber entlastet

Wie kann MED-DARM-REPAIR Darm und Leber stärken?

Die Leber übernimmt im Körper zahlreiche Stoffwechselaufgaben. Ist sie überlastet, leidet sie still. Das Gute ist, dass sie sich sehr rasch wieder regenerieren kann, wenn man seinen Lebenswandel anpasst und weitere Maßnahmen ergreift.
Darmentgiftung mit PANACEO

Natürliche Darmentgiftung mit Zeolith Pulver oder Kapseln

Die Gesundheit liegt im Darm, heißt es bekanntlich. Denn gute Bauchgefühle sorgen für körperliches und seelisches (ganzheitliches) Wohlbefinden. Ist der Darm belastet, können negative Auswirkungen weit darüber hinaus spürbar werden.
glückliches Paar im Herbstpark

Autumn Cleaning For The Intestines And Cells

If the intestine is clean and clear, it can once again transport valuable nutrients, develop a beautiful, healthy flora and, above all, better absorb vital substances. If we take good care of ourselves, our cells will thank us with good health.
Detox im Herbst

Detoxing In Autumn with Basic Detox PMA-Zeolite!

Low temperatures, shorter days: now the body is also preparing for the cold season. The ideal time, therefore, to rid the intestines (center of the immune system) of toxins and strengthen the immune system for the fall.
Was ist sinnvoll bei Reizdarm?

3 Pillar-Thearpy - Useful For Irritable Bowel

Irritable bowel syndrome has many possible causes. Therefore, a correct diagnosis and an individual therapy are important for an improvement of the problems.

Teresa Feix – Everyday Training and Competition Preparation In Competitive Sports

In summer on the bike, in winter on skis. Competitive sports in the everyday life of Teresa Feix, a 30-year-old from Styria, who feels most at home when doing sports in the mountains. Read here how she keeps fit and prepares for competitions.
Reisen mir Reizdarm

Safely On The Road Again - Despite Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The long-awaited summer vacation is just around the corner. This means pure happiness for many, however, the anticipation of irritable bowel syndrome can dampen the mood of many patients.
Spermidin und Resveratrol

Anti-Aging With Spermidine And Resveratrol – The Perfect Combination For Anti-Aging

The "Autophagy" (cleaning program of the cell) is the main action of spermidine and resveratrol. In combination, they mesh like cogs and together crank up autophagy even better.
Zeolith - Vulkanmineral mit Superkraft

ZEOLITE - A Unique Mineral From Nature

Few people know that a specially prepared natural zeolite is excellent in supporting human health. How it is used in human application & what is the difference from other preparations, you can read here.
Alternative zu Jodtabletten

Potassium Iodine Tablets - Zeolite Clinoptilolite A Useful Supplement Or Alternative?

Artificial radioactivity is rightly seen as a threat to people and nature, and one's own health and especially the maintenance of health is more important than ever. Zeolite-Klinoptilolite can be a helping alternative from nature.
Time to Detox

Time To Detox - Detoxification Is A Matter Of The Gut

A healthy, detoxified intestine is essential for an intact immune system. A detox cure therefore fits ideally into the season of Lent but can also be easily integrated into everyday life at any time during the year. How? The following info explains how.
MED DARM-REPAIR bei Bauchkrämpfen, Durchfall und Blähungen, Durchfall und Blähungen

Abdominal Cramps, Diarrhea, Flatulence – Do you also suffer from intestinal problems?

If your digestion isn't working properly, or the intestinal wall lets unwanted substances through, then indigestion and inflammation are the result. The good news is that help comes from nature with an Austrian medical device.
MED DARM-REPAIR hilft bei Reizdarm

Diagnosis: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, inflammation, exhaustion or fatigue? The cause often lies in the intestines and for 20% of the population the diagnosis is usually: irritable bowel syndrome

Well Cared For Means Living Longer

The "secret of aging" and cell regeneration have long been the focus of science. With spermidine and other exclusive ingredients, you take good care of the cells and their regeneration and support antioxidant cell protection.
Unterstützung aus der Natur bei Chemotherapie

Support From Nature During Chemotherapy

The side effects of chemotherapy are often the reason for premature discontinuation of treatment. Doctors therefore recommend additional therapies for better tolerability. PANACEO MED THERAPY-PRO is a good support from nature.
Holen Sie Ihre Kraft zurück

Get Your Power Back with Basic Detox

Environmental stresses and an unfavorable lifestyle put a strain on the body that can lead to digestive problems, a weakened defense and a poor overall condition. Therefore, intestinal activity and detoxification should be supported on a daily basis.

Our Daily Vitamin B

B-Vitamins are essential for the body to produce energy, supply the nervous system, form blood and the immune system. Since these water-soluble vitamins are not stored by the body, they must therefore be taken daily.
Zeolith Gold-Creme

Gold And Zeolite In Natural Cosmetics For A Radiant Face

By choosing the right facial care, we can counteract premature skin aging & contribute to a radiant appearance. Colloidal gold, zeolite and high-quality plant substances are important ingredients from nature in this regard.
Wer rastet der rostet

„A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss“ – Healthy Joints Are Important For Mobility

The years don’t pass us by without leaving a mark: there’s a pull in the knee, then a tweak in the hip. Especially at the beginning of these complaints, we can do a lot ourselves to reduce the pain and maintain the mobility of the joints.
Kräuterbalsam für die Seele

Herbal Balm For The Soul…And Of Course For Your Skin!

Nature has laid out some treasures for our exterior. A herbal balm with these selected, exquisite organic ingredients and the unique PMA zeolite will pamper and care for our skin from now on.
Erst sportlich, dann immer sportlicher

Exercise And Sport With Increasingly More Intensity, Do Not Forget About Your Gut!

Regular, moderate exercise pays off. Cycling, swimming, casual running or walking are ideal for doing something good for the body. However, if we want to challenge ourselves more and more, we must not forget our intestines.
Frühjahrsputz für die Zellen

Spring Cleaning For Your Gut And Cells

Many people feel listless and tired with the start of spring. With the right spring cleaning for your intestines and your cells, you can help your body in a natural way and counteract the annual spring fatigue.
Lisa Perterer - Road to Tokyo 2021

Road To Tokyo 2021 - Lisa Perterer

PANACEO accompanies Lisa to the Olympic Games 2021! Read her blog to find out which PANACEO products she uses to perform at her best and stay fit.
Fastenzeit ist Detox-Zeit

Lent Is Detox Time!

Through different approaches, such as a healthy nutrition with lots of fruit and vegetable, more movement, relaxation exercises and base baths now the bad materials in the body the fight is to be announced.
Kein Abnehmen ohne Entgiften

No Weight Loss Without Detoxification!

Since the fat tissue is loaded with toxins and harmful substances, this can lead to problems with losing weight or hinder the weight loss itself.

Curcuma – Power From The Asian Super Bulb

Curcuma is India's sacred plant to fight against common diseases. For years, this super bulb has also been used in alternative medicine to treat numerous diseases.
Reizdarm Probleme

Do You Immediately Think Of Your Immune System When You Have Intestinal Complaints?

When we think of our intestines and their tasks, the first thing that comes to mind is usually food intake and digestion. However, it stands for much more than that because 70% of the immune defense already takes place in our intestine.

What Are Polyphenols?

Have you ever heard the term "polyphenol"? Polyphenols are chemical compounds found in many natural foods and in some synthetic foods. These so-called "secondary plant compounds" are colorants, fragrances and flavorings in plants.
Einmal entgiften bitte

Detox Once, Please! - How A Natural Mineral Helps To Detox

The range of detox products on the internet is enormous. With the natural mineral PMA zeolite in PANACEO BASIC DETOX and other simple tips, you can already start your own personal detox program.
Cistus Pflanze

Cistus – A Distinct Wonder Plant

A strong immune system is the best precaution against infections caused by viruses and bacteria. The cistus (cistus incanus) has an antibacterial effect and makes a solid contribution to a strong immune system.
Starke Darmwand

Strong Intestinal Wall - Healthy Immune System!

The intestine offers a huge attack surface for pathogens or pollutants. This makes it all the more important to have a functioning intestinal wall that protects us and our body.
Reset für den Körper

Reset For The Body With Detox-Yoga and BASIC DETOX

In the recent past, our social life has been completely turned upside down. While some people actively used the time to eat a healthy diet and keep fit by exercising at home, the complete opposite was on the agenda for others. Pure stress.
Was hilft bei Reizdarm, Durchfall und Blähungen

Irritable Bowel? Diarrhea? Flatulence?

Diseases of the digestive tract are continuing to be more prevalent. Irritable bowel with all ist unpleasant symptoms are especially clearly on the rise.

PMA Zeolite – A Revolutionary Discovery For Cosmetics

Our skin is much more than just a package in which we are wrapped. It is a wonder of nature. According to its tasks, the skin shows an extremely complex structure. This is where the effectiveness of the PMA zeolite can help the skin to stay healthy.
Time to Detox

Detox According to Plan

Especially with the first warm rays of sunshine in spring we want to switch quickly from winter to summer mode. One thinks more body-consciously again and uses above all the fasting period to detoxify the body.
Gesund durch die Corona Krise

Do Not Only Disinfect Your Hands, But Also Clean Yourself From The Inside

The intestine is the center of our health. In times of increased, especially viral, stress, it is especially important to pay attention to its defenses. 80 % of our immune system is located in the intestine.
Zeolith Creme

Zeolite Cream: Regeneration From Outside

High-quality natural cosmetics, especially those enriched with activated zeolite clinoptilolite, can have a positive effect on irritated and stressed skin by helping the skin to regain its balance.

The Master of Detoxification

Whether in food, in the air or even in our clothing - toxic pollutants are lurking everywhere today. Regular detoxification helps you to feel good all around. We reveal how a natural mineral can support the process.
Zeolith Basenbad

Zeolite Base Bath - Well-being and regeneration in the bathtub

With the zeolite base bath you can take a break in the bathtub! Regular applications reactivate the natural protective function of the skin and harmonize body, mind and soul.
Weihrauch Kapseln

Indian Incense (Boswellia Serrata)

Already in ancient times, the resin of Boswellia serrata was one of the most important incense resins on earth. As "Indian incense" it is already well known and suitable for both internal and external use.
Gesund beginnt im Mund

Healthy Begins In The Mouth – Ideally With Natural Dental Care

Especially in a time of increasing environmental and food toxins, a toothpaste with natural ingredients is a wonderful way to reduce additional stress and complement your own healthy lifestyle.
Löchrige Darmwand

ATTENTION: Poisons Must Not Be Allowed To Pass Through The Intestinal Wall!

If the intestinal wall is healthy, it represents an important protective barrier against harmful substances! If the intestinal wall becomes porous (leaky gut syndrome), more pollutants enter the bloodstream.
Wissenschaftlich erforscht

PMA Zeolite: Scientifically Proven And Recognized

Panaceo research is an essential part of documenting and thus explaining the range of applications and properties of PMA zeolite.
Gesunde Ernährung - gesunder Darm

From the couch to relief: how sport and exercise can alleviate irretable bowel syndrom

Regular physical activity and exercise can have a positive influence on irritable bowel symptoms.
Reinigen und aufbauen

Clean & Build Up - The Year-Round Health Concept!

Improve the absorption of vital substances! A natural mineral offers an effective solution here for 365 days a year.
Bleiben Sie gesund

PMA Zeolite: Stay Healthy and Vital!

In today's world, we have little opportunity to effectively escape stress. Every contribution to reducing it and supporting a healthy lifestyle counts.