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Certified medical devices made in Austria
PMA Zeolite for your guthealth
Löchrige Darmwand
Löchrige Darmwand

ATTENTION: Poisons Must Not Be Allowed To Pass Through The Intestinal Wall!

If the intestinal wall becomes porous (leaky gut), more pollutants enter the bloodstream.

Possible symptom complexes:

- Gradual drop in performance
- Allergies
- Fatigue & loss of drive
- Concentration difficulties
- Insomnia
- Higher susceptibility to infections

Since the above-mentioned symptoms can have many causes, always consult a doctor and pharmacist of your choice for any health-related questions or complaints.

If the intestinal wall is healthy, it represents an important protective barrier against harmful substances!

Important Health Advice:

- 80 % of all defense measures/reactions take place in the intestinal area.
- 70 % of all immune cells are found in the intestinal wall.

The intestinal wall (or the gastro-intestinal tract) is therefore to be regarded as the center of the immune system. Consequently, a strengthening of the intestinal wall is an essential contribution to human health and prevention of diseases.

Get Your Strength Back!

PANACEO BASIC DETOX is suitable for the daily and natural strengthening of the intestinal wall barrier. This effect is supported by the binding of harmful substances in the gastro-intestinal tract. It thus contributes to an "intestine-conscious" lifestyle and can help prevent possible secondary diseases.

Pay attention to quality when buying zeolite products!

PANACEO Guarantees You By Using PMA Zeolite:

- Certified natural medical products,
- Raw material with tested premium quality and
- Products manufactured in Austria.

The Following Health Effects Are Achieved By Taking PANACEO BASIC DETOX:

- Strengthening of the intestinal wall barrier
- Prevention of heavy metal contamination by contaminated food
- Support of the immune system by strengthening the intestinal function
- Promotion of a healthy intestinal environment
- Positive influence on vitality, well-being and health

Author: Carina Manfredo-Comisso