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PMA Zeolite for your guthealth
Darmgesundheit und Depression – kann Zeolith unterstützen?
Darmgesundheit und Depression – kann Zeolith unterstützen?
Depression: The gut can also play a causal role

The science of gut health and depression - can zeolite help?

Depression is not a temporary sadness or a series of bad days. Anyone suffering from depression, which can manifest itself in many different forms and stages, is surrounded by far more than melancholy, listlessness and dark thoughts. Depression is a real and very serious illness that affects millions of people: according to current estimates, around 10.8 per cent of women and 7.6 per cent of men in Germany1 and around 7.5 per cent of the population in Austria2 are affected, with a strong upward trend. This is why depression is the subject of intensive clinical research and why the intestines are increasingly becoming the focus of attention - and thus also zeolite or the special variant PMA - zeolite.

But what are the causes of depression? The most common known causes of depression are a combination of genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors. These include family history, chronic illness, traumatic experiences, prolonged stress and - often not sufficiently recognised - imbalances of neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters play a central role in regulating a wide range of functions in the body and mind and are primarily responsible for our mood, sleep quality and appetite. If they get out of sync, depression is a possible consequence.

The role of the gut in depression: How our gut brain influences mood

What few people realise: Our gut can play a crucial role in the development and progression of depression, as it is a major production site for neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which regulate mood. Around 90-95 per cent of all serotonin in the body is produced in the gut, particularly in the enterochromaffin cells of the intestinal mucosa. Dopamine, which is important for our reward system and our motivation, is also produced to a large extent in our gut.

A healthy gut can therefore contribute significantly to mental health, while imbalances and inflammation in the gut are associated with an increased risk of depressive disorders.

The basis for a healthy gut: strengthening the intestinal barrier and promoting detoxification

There is currently a lot of talk about the microbiome. A healthy, balanced microbiome is indeed of paramount importance for mental health, but only a healthy gut with an intact gut wall can harbour a balanced, functioning microbiome. It is therefore crucial to promote not only the microbiome, but also the health of the intestinal wall in order to prevent and treat depression.

A healthy gut therefore forms the basis for an intact microbiome and thus plays a central role in the prevention and treatment of depression. A healthy intestinal wall and a functioning intestinal barrier are crucial for preventing harmful substances, toxins and pathogens from entering the body. This barrier not only protects the digestive tract, but also has far-reaching effects on general and mental health.

The importance of the intestinal barrier - it is also a basis for mental health

The intestinal barrier consists of a dense layer of epithelial cells that are held together by so-called "tight junctions". This structure prevents harmful substances from entering the bloodstream. A disturbed intestinal barrier, also known as "leaky gut", can lead to increased permeability, which increases the risk of systemic inflammation and chronic diseases, including depression.

Numerous studies also show that people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) often suffer from increased depressive and anxiety-related symptoms. Studies have shown that up to 62 per cent of people with diarrhoea-dominant irritable bowel syndrome and up to 50 per cent of those whose irritable bowel syndrome was triggered by a gastrointestinal infection have increased intestinal permeability, i.e. permeability of the intestinal mucosa. This increased permeability can exacerbate neuropsychiatric symptoms such as depression and anxiety.

First cleanse and heal the gut with PMA zeolite, then build up the microbiome

It is therefore initially important to cleanse the gut and improve the intestinal environment. In particular, harmful substances such as heavy metals and toxins, which are now a burden on us all, must be removed from the intestine so that the intestinal wall or intestinal barrier can heal.

The natural volcanic mineral zeolite is the first choice for cleansing the gut. However, not all zeolite is the same! The special PMA zeolite from PANACEO is refined using a special process (PMA = PANACEO Micro Activation) so that it can optimally perform these adsorption processes in the human organism. In addition, PMA zeolite is a certified medical product which, as the leading active ingredient of the zeolite forms available today, is the only one that has proven its medical benefits in numerous scientific gold standard studies and is suitable for long-term use. It is therefore very important which zeolite you use to cleanse and strengthen your intestines.

PANACEO MED DARM REPAIR - Your path to a healthy gut and more joie de vivre

We recommend that you use PANACEO MED DARM REPAIR as a cure to help your bowels recover and strengthen, also with regard to an additive, i.e. additional treatment for depression. The benefits of this cure are manifold: PANACEO MED DARM REPAIR regulates the stool, relieves the typical symptoms of leaky gut and irritable bowel syndrome such as flatulence, abdominal pain and intestinal inflammation, supports the microbiome, strengthens the intestinal wall and the liver, and selectively binds ammonium and pathogenic pollutants such as aluminium, lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium and nickel in order to eliminate them from the body. This allows your healthy gut to produce enough serotonin again to protect your mental health.

With this simple measure, you are not only doing something good for your physical health, but can also support your mind and soul. But please note: If you have the feeling that you are suffering from genuine depression, please also consult a doctor.


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Author: Mag. Sandra Eisenwagen, BSc.

Sandra Eisenwagen has been Head of Research and Development at Panaceo International GmbH in Austria since 2015. She previously worked as a consultant for nutrition and consumer protection at the FAO and the European Commission. She holds a Master's degree in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Vienna and studied Environmental Biology at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre as part of an Erasmus programme. Her expertise includes the development of food databases, nutritional sciences, food safety and microbiology.

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