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Time to Detox
Time to Detox

Detox According to Plan

Especially with the first warm rays of sunshine in spring we want to switch quickly from winter to summer mode. One thinks more body-consciously again and uses the fasting period to detoxify the body, to lose a few kilos and also to bring one's own appearance back into shape. A "detox plan" sounds promising here!

The detox offer is enormous. On the Internet, you can find numerous offers of expensive cosmetics, pills and teas, as well as sophisticated soup and juice cures. Not to forget with partly proud prices. This is often detoxing on a high level.

But with six simple tips you can start your own personal detox program:


  • Drinking

    The body's main detoxification organ is the liver and one of the best ways to support it on a daily basis is to drink plenty of water! Ideally two liters a day. Often you also read to start with a glass of lemon water in the morning. This purifies and stimulates your liver so that it can run at full speed. Also recommended: green tea (rich in antioxidants) and herbal teas with a draining effect such as nettle or fennel for the intestines.

  • Exercise

    Exercise in the fresh air is of course ideal, and preferably several times a week! Running, walking or cycling. Or, what many don't know: trampoline jumping! Trampoline jumping for 10-15 minutes a day supports the lymphatic system, which plays an important role in detoxification.

  • Sleep

    Sleep is indispensable for bodily functions such as healing, immune defense and memory formation. As toxins and acids are also broken down during sleep, a permanent lack of sleep quickly causes the body to overacidify. The need for sleep varies from person to person, but the quality of sleep is more important. It is therefore recommended to ensure a pleasant and relaxing night sleep.

  • Relaxation

    A detox bath would be one of the easiest ways to relax and detoxify at the same time. On the one hand, an alkaline bath balances the pH-values and the high pH-value helps to release excess acids into the water and to completely renew the acid mantle of the skin once. On the other hand, it increases the general well-being and taking time for oneself, which gives new energy.

  • Coffee & Co.

    Coffee, cigarettes and alcohol unnecessarily stress the detoxification organs and should be avoided during a detox treatment. Sweets and snacks should also be avoided for a while. Fresh fruit and vegetables are much healthier. A cup of tea, which can be sweetened with honey, drives away the desire for sweets.

  • Support from Nature

    Not only water, healthy sleep, exercise or detox teas serve the cleansing process of the body. Another natural remedy helps with detoxification: it is called zeolite. This is a mineral of volcanic origin, which is one of the most important natural materials on earth. Many people are not even aware of it, but it has a unique effect, which above all fits perfectly into a detox treatment: it is extremely binding and can bind certain heavy metals (lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium and nickel) in the gastro-intestinal tract as well as the metabolic waste product ammonium, and can be gently discharged via the stool. It virtually ensures the safe removal of the bound pollutants.
Author: Carina Manfredo-Comisso