The human intestine is exposed to many influences every day. Lots of food and fluids pass through it, it has to deal with pollutants and stress or conflicts which all take their toll on the organ. After all, there is a direct connection to the brain. In many cases, this is compounded by hours of sitting in the office; a lack of exercise and leisure time causes the gastrointestinal tract activity to slow down. This is very often accompanied by discomfort.
The intestine is not only an organ that serves for digestion and the further transport of food ingredients. It alerts us when the soul is not in balance; it is also of high importance for the immune system and characterized by a complex bacterial flora. Just imagine: 80% of all defense measures and reactions of the organism take place in the intestinal area and 70% of all immune cells are located in the intestinal wall. All this is reason enough to handle the organ with care.
"The warning signals of a stressed organism are creeping loss of energy, fatigue, lack of concentration and increased susceptibility to infections. For a long and possibly healthy life, a healthy gut is quite simply a prerequisite."
Speaking of long life, according to one study, a healthy lifestyle can create 14 years of life compared to an unfavorable lifestyle! A carefully nurtured intestine is an important building block in this.
Support The Intestines Naturally
There are many ways to support the intestines naturally. One of them is the intake of soluble fiber. An adequate supply of these substances is important for producing sufficient short-chain fatty acids in the colon, which are produced during metabolism. Short-chain fatty acids are of great importance for the metabolism of the colon mucosa.
Another important function of short-chain fatty acids is to lower the pH value in the colon. This leads to the creation of an acidic environment that inhibits the growth of undesirable and pathogenic bacteria. In addition, acidification in the colon lumen causes protonation of gaseous ammonia to ammonium ions, which in turn is removed from absorption into the blood, thereby relieving the liver. Soluble dietary fiber also leads to an increase in anaerobic, physiological germs in the microflora. Overall, a diet rich in fiber is suitable for increasing intestinal peristalsis, shortening the transit time of the food pulp and counteracting constipation. The intestine can thus be effectively supported in its functions. If soluble fiber is ingested via solid foods such as flaxseed, always make sure to drink a sufficient amount of fluid.
Another measure to relieve the intestines is to take a break between meals. An intestine that has to digest food incessantly and is then perhaps under-stimulated due to lack of exercise is exposed to a heavy load. Therefore, breaks between meals are good for regeneration. The same applies to the night - eating too close to bedtime not only stresses the stomach, but also the intestines.
Cleanse And Develop
Chronic intestinal diseases are on the rise. Also, a large part of the population complains about constipation and general discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. Many risks are not visible and cannot be detected by taste, such as pesticide contamination in food or additives as well as heavy metals in food and air.
Therefore, it is necessary to support all organs involved in detoxification on a daily basis - including the intestines. In this way, one invests time and energy in preventive care and does not allow the organ, which is often referred to as the "root of the body", to become ill.
An innovative concept for this can be summarized under the keyword "cleanse and develop". The body's own detoxification is thereby promoted daily and the cleansing of unwanted substances is accelerated. A simple and effective way to keep the gastrointestinal tract "clean" is the natural mineral PMA zeolite. Through its main mechanism of action, the absorbtion of pathogenic pollutants* already in the gastrointestinal tract and to eliminate them naturally through the stool, these substances can no longer damage the intestinal wall. For this reason, PMA zeolite is used in medicine for leaky gut and irritable bowel syndrome. Parallel to this, the nutrient build-up is designed because only a healthy intestine with an intact intestinal wall can absorb nutrients in sufficient quantities.
"One of the most important foundations for effective absorption of vital substances is a functioning intestinal wall."
*Lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel and ammonium.