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PMA Zeolite for your guthealth
Leber entgiften durch Entgiftung von Darm mit PMA-Zeolith von PANACEO
Leber entgiften durch Entgiftung von Darm mit PMA-Zeolith von PANACEO

Liver detox - even more effective in combination with a colon cleanse

Intestinal cleansing and liver detoxification with PMA zeolite: How we can protect our central metabolic organs

It's nothing new and we all know it: Stress, digestive problems, an unhealthy diet with too many carbohydrates, fat and sugar, chronic illnesses, the intake of various medications or even alcohol affect our gut, immune system and also the liver. Cleansing the intestines and supporting the liver in its detoxification with PMA zeolite from PANACEO is therefore a sensible measure for maintaining or restoring your health.

The interaction between the intestine and liver is a finely tuned orchestra that is essential for maintaining our health and preventing numerous diseases. By promoting their harmony and function, especially with a natural intestinal cleansing programme that also detoxifies the liver, we can make an important and scientifically proven contribution to strengthening our organs and improving our general well-being. Intestinal cleansing and thus also detoxification of the liver is particularly successful with the natural stone PMA zeolite from PANACEO.

Gut and liver in harmony as the key to health

The intestinal and liver duo, which is often under strain in everyday life, is at the centre of our immune health and is of crucial importance for our well-being and for disease prevention: this is because these two metabolic organs play a decisive role in the functioning of our body by jointly taking over detoxification, processing nutrients and being responsible for immune defence.

The intestine, often and rightly referred to as our "second brain", is responsible for the absorption and first step in processing the nutrients that our daily diet provides. It also harbours billions of microorganisms that form our intestinal flora and have a profound influence on our health and also our mood.

The liver, our central detoxification organ, filters harmful substances from the blood, supports the metabolism by producing vital proteins and plays a key role in energy metabolism. The liver is like a high-performance filter in our body, with around 2000 litres of blood flowing through it every day. In its tireless work, it removes pathogens and toxins from the bloodstream and ensures their elimination via the kidneys and bile. It also neutralises alcohol, medication and nicotine. Without the liver, nothing would work in our body - it is essential for our health that it is healthy and functions properly.

Liver and intestines suffer silently for a long time when overloaded - prevention is therefore necessary

Both the intestines and the liver are organs that can withstand a lot for a long time. They have impressive self-healing and regenerative abilities. The liver can regenerate damaged tissue and regrow up to 75 per cent of its volume if it is lost, as long as the remaining cells are healthy. The intestine, in turn, regularly regenerates its lining, i.e. the intestinal wall, every two to seven days by forming new cells from its own stem cell supply, allowing it to continuously renew and heal itself.

But our modern lifestyle, with its ever-increasing environmental pollution, is also too much for these two ingeniously designed organs at some point.

The problem with this is that the intestines and liver initially suffer in silence and only report noticeable symptoms or illnesses when the system is already hopelessly overloaded and regeneration can hardly or no longer take place. Moreover, the liver does not even have pain receptors, which would be counterproductive in view of the large amount of harmful substances it processes, as otherwise we would constantly feel pain while the liver is working - and it is always working.

Permanent damage to the intestines can in turn lead to a variety of ailments and complaints such as abdominal pain, bloating, systemic inflammation and even autoimmune diseases. One of the reasons for this is that the permeability of the intestinal wall is increased, allowing bacteria, toxins and undigested food components to enter the bloodstream. This disturbed intestinal barrier is colloquially referred to as "leaky gut".

Cleansing the gut and liver: Small effort, big effect - and scientifically proven

Cleansing the gut and liver therefore plays a key role in promoting health and general well-being as well as prevention. To support the intestines, measures such as a high-fibre diet, sufficient fluid intake and probiotic foods that support the intestinal flora and promote the elimination of toxins are generally recommended.

To ensure good liver function, you should eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants and ideally avoid alcohol and other harmful substances. Regular physical activity and sufficient sleep are also beneficial for the detoxification processes of both organs.

However, the most efficient and sustainable measure you can take is a comprehensive colon cleansing.

MED DARM-REPAIR - PMA zeolite from PANACEO for gentle cleansing of the intestines and liver

The patented PMA zeolite from PANACEO (PMA stands for "PANACEO Micro Activation", the unique process for preparing the natural zeolite rock to optimise the absorption of harmful substances and their elimination) can provide you with comprehensive support in cleansing your intestines and liver.

This special volcanic mineral is not only characterised by its ability to absorb certain harmful substances, but it also actively releases essential micronutrients into the body in the form of minerals such as magnesium, calcium or phosphorus as well as trace elements such as iron, copper, manganese and selenium. Minerals and trace elements are fundamentally important for our health: they play a crucial role in many bodily functions, including building bones and teeth, regulating metabolism and supporting the function of enzymes and hormones. Dangerous and harmful substances such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel and ammonium, on the other hand, are bound by PMA zeolite and then easily excreted in the faeces.

Scientific research results prove the effectiveness of MED DARM-REPAIR from PANACEO in repairing damaged intestinal walls and combating intestinal inflammation. Current results from further studies also underline that MED DARM-REPAIR significantly reduces symptoms such as abdominal pain, flatulence and diarrhoea and that MED DARM-REPAIR repairs the damaged intestinal wall by significantly reducing zonulin (a serum marker for the detection of leaky gut) and alpha1-antitrypsin (an acute phase protein produced in the liver to protect the liver itself, but also other organs such as the lungs, from possible excessive immune responses).

Furthermore, studies show that MED DARM-REPAIR effectively contributes to relieving the liver, which is documented by the reduction in liver enzyme levels. These decrease because the liver in turn is relieved by the strengthening of the intestinal barrier thanks to the absorption of harmful substances.  

Clinical studies have shown that important liver enzyme parameters can improve significantly after just two months of taking MED DARM-REPAIR. In the study participants, the values of

  • GGT (gamma GT enzyme) by -17 %
  • GOT (glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase) by -25 %
  • GPT (glutamate pyruvate transaminase) by -31 %

Cleanse the intestines and relieve the liver with MED DARM-REPAIR - the simple 3-month cure for at home

For an effective intestinal cleanse with the PMA zeolite MED DARM REPAIR from PANACEO, you should carry out your cleansing and detoxification programme at home for three months. This time is necessary to allow the intestinal wall to regenerate and the liver to be thoroughly cleansed.  

You can continue taking it for as long as you like, as MED DARM REPAIR from PANACEO has been scientifically tested for continuous use and has been classified as safe. You can take PANACEO zeolite either as a powder or as vegan capsules together with at least 100 ml of liquid with meals, preferably two to three times a day.

What can you expect from an intestinal and liver detox with MED DARM-REPAIR?

The PMA zeolite in MED DARM-REPAIR repairs, strengthens and supports the regeneration of the intestines and liver comprehensively and holistically! During and after your treatment with PMA zeolite from PANACEO, many symptoms and complaints can be significantly alleviated or completely resolved:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (leaky gut), characterised by symptoms such as diarrhoea and flatulence
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Liver problems, by supporting liver function
  • Food intolerances
  • Susceptibility to infections and immunodeficiency, by strengthening the intestinal wall and the immune system
  • Exhaustion caused by illness
  • Allergies, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, by reducing inflammatory processes in the gut

Good to know!

PMA zeolite from PANACEO is a well-founded, natural remedy for effective and lasting cleansing and detoxification of the intestines and liver, the effectiveness and good tolerability of which have been scientifically proven in studies.

You don't have to worry that the binding and elimination of harmful substances by the zeolite in your intestines and liver could lead to you losing important vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The opposite is the case: PMA zeolite from PANACEO only binds a very specific range of harmful substances and in exchange releases important minerals and trace elements for our health.

Why is this the case? Firstly because, unlike conventional chelates ("pollutant binders"), PMA zeolite is naturally fully pre-loaded with minerals and trace elements (!) and secondly because the unique structure and electrical charge of PMA zeolite ensures a selective binding capacity.  

This means that the minerals and trace elements pre-loaded in the structure can be selectively exchanged for defined pollutants (heavy metals) and toxic metabolic products (ammonium). 

Due to the given structure and charge, only positively charged ions (so-called cations) up to a size of 4 angstroms (0.4 nm) can penetrate the countless microchannels of the PMA zeolite. Vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and most essential micronutrients, on the other hand, cannot be absorbed by the PMA zeolite due to their size and electrical charge.

Put simply, the PMA zeolite removes bad substances and elements from the body and at the same time supplies it with good and important substances that our organism needs to restore or maintain our health.

Author: Mag. Sandra Eisenwagen, BSc.

Sandra Eisenwagen has been Head of Research and Development at Panaceo International GmbH in Austria since 2015. She previously worked as a consultant for nutrition and consumer protection at the FAO and the European Commission. She holds a Master's degree in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Vienna and studied Environmental Biology at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre as part of an Erasmus programme. Her expertise includes the development of food databases, nutritional sciences, food safety and microbiology.