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PMA Zeolite for your guthealth
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Kein Abnehmen ohne Entgiften

No Weight Loss Without Detoxification!

Our body is exposed to different environmental toxins every day, which can enter the body and eventually the bloodstream through food, lungs or skin. Overweight people in particular struggle with a high concentration of toxins in their bodies when trying to lose weight. Why?

Day after day, we deal with loads of toxins: they are in the water we drink; they are in the air we breathe; they are found in the food we eat; also in our personal care products we use every day; and in many other things that surround us. In addition, we stress our liver, stomach as well as skin with overeating and the intake of refined sugar, alcohol, coffee and saturated fats.

Fat as a temporary storage for toxins

Fortunately, our bodies have developed mechanisms to get rid of a large part of the toxins, primarily through our intestines. If this were not the case, we would all probably perish from a mix of toxins within a few weeks.

But if we simply eat too much and prefer industrially manufactured products, our body also faces a problem. The load of toxins is simply too high. It now has to use a special trick and simply deposits the toxins where they can cause the least damage, at least temporarily: in fatty tissue.

Embedded between thick layers of fat, toxins are thus immobilized for the time being. If the stored toxins cause minor inflammations, the body will try to neutralize the problem by storing even more fat - even more fatty tissue is built up.

If you want to lose weight, you have to detoxify!

If you have finally decided to go on a diet and want to do something for your health, after a few days the body not only excretes water, but the fat also starts to melt. Unfortunately, with the melting fat cells, many toxins deposited in the fat are also released and literally flood the body.

And therefore, with every gram of fat that melts, the toxins that are released also increase. One feels weaker and more lousy daily and would like to immediately stop the diet. It then becomes much worse, because the liver is fully loaded to capacity. It tries to excrete the toxins at full speed and exerts itself so much that it becomes acidic and completely exhausted.

The signs of this include muscle and joint pain, the stomach becomes acidic, digestion goes crazy and the mood worsens.


„We need to help our bodies cleanse when they are flooded by the toxins released when we lose weight.“


No successful weight loss without detoxification

Now it is also clear why sustainable weight loss can not work at all without simultaneous detoxification: It is with the fat tissue like with a snowman, which stands on a busy road crossing. Still beautifully white at the very beginning, after a few hours exhaust fumes and soot will darken it.

As long as it stays cold, our dirty snowman will stay put. As soon as the temperature rises, it melts away and what is left is a pile of debris (exhaust fumes and soot). In this case, cleaning the street quickly and effectively solves the problem and removes the residue.

So for our personal "street cleaning" we need to look for a method that both relieves liver and supports the intestines (center of the immune system) in the removal of toxins.

This is exactly where the PMA zeolite clinoptilolite can help. Due to the sponge-like structure of this natural mineral, toxins and harmful substances can already be bound in the gastrointestinal tract and transported away naturally. The fewer toxins in the body, the less will naturally be stored in fatty tissue. In addition, it frees the liver from its own metabolic toxin, ammonia. As a result, the liver functions better and food fats are broken down more efficiently into high-quality energy.

But it is not only the intestines and liver that will benefit from the reduction of toxins. Since they can enter the nervous system almost unimpeded, these reductions will also bring a whole host of "nerve calming" effects. This can start with a significant improvement in one's mood, sleep becomes deeper and more restful, and the ability to remember and also concentrate can improve again.

PMA zeolite-clinoptilolite is therefore an ideal and necessary supplement to all weight loss methods! It supports them by freeing the body from those toxins which on the one hand promote overweight and on the other hand hinder losing weight. At the same time, new strength is gained for work and everyday life.


„The combination of PMA-zeolite clinoptilolite with a healthy diet and regular exercise will successfully accompany you on the way to your personal ideal weight.“


Lose weight…correctly:

  1. a reasonably normal body weight is a prerequisite for a well-functioning body. You achieve this through a healthy diet and regular exercise.
  2. if you are overweight, you need to reduce fat tissue and build muscle.
  3. because fat tissue is loaded with toxins and harmful substances, this can lead to serious problems during weight loss or hinder the weight loss itself.
  4. Therefore you should always set suitable detoxification measures at the same time when your body fat melts.
  5. it is even better to detoxify regularly in order not to give food toxins and environmental toxins a chance to build up your fat deposits.
  6. if you buy a weight loss product in your pharmacy or health food store, please always take a purification/detoxification product right away! However, please make sure that this is a tested and approved medical product (e.g. PMA zeolite clinoptilolite and 100% natural like PANACEO BASIC DETOX).


Author: Carina Manfredo-Comisso