PMA Zeolite: Stay Healthy and Vital!
PMA-Zeolite & science
In today's world, we have little opportunity to effectively escape stress. Every contribution to reducing it and supporting a healthy lifestyle counts.
It is already known, and has been demonstrated on the gastro-intestinal model by Prof. DDr. Krešimir Pavelić (former Secretary General of the European Conference on Molecular Biology), that the PANACEO PMA Zeolite (activated natural zeolite clinoptilolite) is able to bind dangerous and health-threatening environmental and food toxins. These include certain heavy metals (lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium and nickel) as well as the metabolic waste product ammonium already in the gastro-intestinal tract. They are then gently discharged through the stool.
Now, university research institutes have also gained additional new findings on behalf of PANACEO. It has been proven that this 100 % natural mineral has a strengthening effect on the intestinal wall. It represents the body's most important protective barrier and is therefore also known as the guardian of the immune system.
Pay attention to an "intestine-conscious" lifestyle even before signs of illness become noticeable.
By binding the above-mentioned harmful substances already in the gastro-intestinal tract, it helps to maintain the integrity of the intestinal wall*. This significantly reduces the penetration of undesirable substances, especially toxins that cause illness, into the bloodstream. In this way, a wide variety of symptoms of the toxic syndrome, such as gradual loss of performance and increased susceptibility to infection, can also be reduced.
Strengthening the intestinal wall barrier with PANACEO BASIC DETOX ensures that your guardian of the immune system (= intestine) remains active and supports your valuable health!
* (Prevention of a possible porous intestine ="leaky gut")
The daily relief from the inside and strengthening of the body's own detoxification systems, especially the preservation of the intestinal wall integrity, is an essential prerequisite for the maintenance of your health.
Source: Pavelič Kraljevič S. et al. (2014 a).
Heavy metal removal from solution by different zeolite materials in artificial stomach and gut models. unpublished.