Reset For The Body With Detox-Yoga and BASIC-DETOX PLUS
Anti-Aging & prevention
In the recent past, our social life has been completely turned upside down. While some people actively used the time to eat a healthy diet and keep fit by exercising at home, the complete opposite was on the agenda for others. Pure stress. This is also true for our detoxification organs.
Normality has now slowly returned, and currently the time is therefore ideal for restarting the body's own detoxification system to mobilize the necessary strength for the regained everyday life.
Detox-Yoga is perfectly suited to stimulate the organs and the metabolism. Certain postures, also known as asanas, can specifically support our detoxification organs. Through certain movements these organs are massaged and stimulated to work. Part of the toxins that accumulated in the organism over time are excreted through our kidneys. Other toxins are returned to the intestines via the enterohepatic circulation in our liver. There, they fall victim to the final elimination via natural bowel movement.
It is precisely there in the intestine, the center of our immune system, that BASIC-DETOX PLUS, as a master of detoxification, helps this process. The PMA-zeolite contained in it ensures safe and effective removal of toxins via the stool due to its mode of action. At the same time the intestinal wall is strengthened.
If disease-causing substances remain in the intestine, this can weaken the protective function of the intestinal wall. Consequently, it can become more permeable and allow more harmful substances to enter the organism. We can become more susceptible to infections, feel tired and unenergetic and suffer from concentration and sleep disorders.
Not only does the organism benefit from the simple intestinal detox with BASIC-DETOX PLUS but also the immune system which is responsible for the defense against pathogens.
In combination with Detox-Yoga, we create a wonderful reset for body, mind and soul.