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PMA Zeolite for your guthealth

PANACEO top manager receives coveted Speaker Excellence Award

Nicole Schöll from PANACEO International GmbH delivers a convincing message about PMA zeolite

It is not only our unique health products with our PMA zeolite that make our company PANACEO International GmbH so special and have enabled us to gain the trust of hundreds of thousands of satisfied people over the years. It is also the members of our team themselves, who not only see PANACEO as a company, but also live the PANACEO credo in their hearts with complete conviction: Health for people thanks to one of nature's best gifts - the volcanic mineral zeolite, refined by PANACEO into the special PMA zeolite. This was once again impressively demonstrated by our senior manager Nicole Schöll, who, as Head of Sales and Marketing at PANACEO, recently won the coveted Speaker Excellence Award at the ‘4th International Speaker Slam’ in Wiesbaden on 14 January 2025.

Coveted Speaker Excellence Award: Nicole scores with a key message on PMA zeolite and gut health in just four minutes

The ‘International Speaker Slam’ is an international speaker competition that is one of the most prestigious of its kind worldwide and is held in a different country or city each year. Here, the best speakers take to the big stage in front of a high-profile jury from the world of media and business to demonstrate their communication skills in conveying their message to a large audience. This year, over 200 speakers from 26 countries took part.

The particular challenge here is that the speakers have only four minutes – that's just 240 seconds (!) – to inspire the jury and audience with their topic and explain it in a comprehensible way.

‘The gut as the key to health’ – Nicole's topic fascinated all participants

Presenting a complex topic such as gut health and the intensive interaction of the gut with the entire organism, as well as the possibilities of zeolite, in such a short time and purely verbally is a great challenge. But it is doable when it is a matter close to the heart and the speaker is blessed with such communication skills as our competent and committed health ambassador Nicole.

In just four minutes, she was able to educate thousands of participants about the importance of everyone's gut health, the central role of the gut-brain axis (particularly important in times when neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's or even depression are increasing at an alarming rate), how leaky gut and irritable bowel syndrome occur, and what we can do ourselves to keep our midsection healthy.

Even in this short time, the audience understood that it is not enough to simply undergo a detox treatment twice a year to protect ourselves from environmental pollution and the consequences of denatured food. The conclusion of her brilliant speech, with which she was able to bring the coveted award to Carinthia, was met with much applause and countless questions for Nicole afterwards.

Nicole Schöll: On the road to raise awareness of our gut health

Whether at the ‘International Speaker Slam’, at international conferences, at seminars and symposia: Nicole is tirelessly on the road to inform as our brand ambassador for PANACEO and health ambassador for gut health and the benefits of our PMA zeolite, as well as to communicate the latest scientific news. ‘Every single person we reach with our knowledge and work is one less person who is helplessly at the mercy of intestinal diseases. Besides, prevention is more important today than ever,’ says Nicole.

Our whole team congratulates Nicole warmly and proudly on winning the Speaker Excellence Award!