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„A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss“ – Healthy Joints Are Important For Mobility

The years don’t pass us by without leaving a mark: there’s a pull in the knee, then a tweak in the hip. Especially at the beginning of these complaints, we can do a lot ourselves to reduce the pain and maintain the mobility of the joints.

"If you rest, you rust!" It's an old saying that I'm sure all of us have heard at one time or another, and it's meant to convey an important piece of information: our muscles and joints need movement and stress to stay in good shape. A limitation in mobility can also have a major impact on one's well-being, especially if beloved hobbies and community activities can no longer be enjoyed or performed.

Unfortunately, it is known that with advancing age, wear and tear can occur in the joints. This wear and tear is then felt as joint pain in the knees, hips or even other parts of the body. In any case, these complaints can make any movement a pain. With the right mix of exercise, nutrition and vital substances, we feed the cartilage and thus provide optimal support for our joints.


4 Tips For Maintaining Mobility


  • Weight Loss:

Those who are overweight definitely need to reduce their weight. Every extra kilo that we carry puts pressure on our joints. Be careful: There should be no weight loss without detoxifying at the same time! Why? Find out more here. 

  • Nutrition:

A healthy and balanced diet with vitamins and fiber, as well as enough fluids (preferably in the form of fresh water), will not only benefit our musculoskeletal system, but also increase our overall well-being. In addition, our joints need good nutrients to maintain their function. 

  • Dietary Supplements:

Our eating habits are not always sufficient to be able to offer all important micronutrients to our body. And it is precisely then that nutritional supplements play an important role.

Micronutrients such as vitamins (e.g. C and D) and minerals (e.g. calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc) can provide support. Herbal remedies, such as extracts of rosehip, are rich in vitamin C and have been shown in early studies to decrease joint pain and improve joint mobility when taken regularly. 

  • Regular Exercise:

Aging affects muscle mass and strength and can further severely limit mobility and weight-bearing capacity. Regular, targeted strength training, as well as endurance training, helps to keep the muscles and the entire body in good shape.

If you already have one or the other problem with your joints, there are sports that are gentle on the joints, such as cycling, swimming or walking, in addition to running.  

Let's stay active in taking precautions for a healthy body. After all, who wouldn't want to move pain-free in everyday life as well as in leisure time for as long as possible and thus strengthening their well-being!