Zeolite Base Bath - Well-being and regeneration in the bathtub
December 4, 2019 Carina Manfredo-Comisso
Skin, Body care & protection
Skin, Body care & protection
The importance of the acid-base balance for our health
Acidosis is a circumstance which has become a daily companion for many people in our time. Harmful environmental influences, our stressful lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, which can result in disturbed digestive and intestinal activity, are perfect acid producers. Stress and a hectic pace, increased pressure to perform, stimulus satiation as well as environmental and food toxins favor the overacidification of the organism. If acids accumulate in the body, they can be neutralized by means of basic minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Since the body cannot produce these minerals itself, they must be supplied or taken from the body's own healthy stores (skin, hair, teeth, nails, bones, cartilage, tendons, vessels and blood). To neutralize these acids, a balanced diet rich in minerals as well as a healthy lifestyle and an additional supply of minerals can be helpful.
Alkaline baths ensure a gentle removal of the acids excreted through the skin.
All life processes in our body are based on a healthy acid-base balance. A balance of acids and bases in the organism provides the optimal starting point for all vital regulatory processes.
Regular use of the PANACEO CARE ZEOLITH BATH (2 times a week)
- supports the removal of acids already excreted through the skin,
- reactivates the natural protective function of the skin,
- nourishes and keeps them supple,
- gives a pleasant feeling on the skin and
- supports physical well-being and regeneration.
The PANACEO CARE ZEOLITH BASE BATH supports the skin in its natural function as the largest excretory organ. Alkaline body care is ideal for intensive relief and regeneration and leads to a new sense of well-being and inner balance.
Alkaline body care with zeolite as an effective and natural aid to the excretion of harmful acids.
The mechanism of action
Support of the skin as the largest excretory organ
Acids already excreted through the skin are gently removed by the alkaline body care. The body can thus be informed that further acids can be specifically added. With the Zeolite Base Bath, the skin is actively used as the largest and natural excretion organ and subsequently leads to a balance of body, mind and soul.
Balance and regeneration
The human being develops for 9 months in an alkaline environment (amniotic fluid) until it sees the light of day with a pure, delicate and well supplied with blood and therefore alkaline skin. So what could be more obvious than to use this principle for oneself?Leave the stress of everyday life behind you and promote your balance and regeneration with alkaline body care.
Stresses that we are regularly confronted with include
- Air pollution and electrosmog
- Alarmingly increasing pollution (pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, heavy metals, e-smog, radioactivity)
- Unfavourable nutrition as well as synthetic additives in our food (colorings, flavors, preservatives)
- Residues of medication in drinking water
- Uncritical handling of medication (interactions and therapy-obstructing side effects, repeated use of antibiotics)
- Socially accepted stimulants and drugs (alcohol, nicotine, painkillers, caffeine)
- Harmful substances in detergents, cleaning agents and cosmetics
Our organism is flooded daily with harmful and toxic substances. It is therefore important to support our body in dealing with these stresses regularly from the inside (PMA zeolite) and outside (zeolite base bath). Toxins put a strain on our health and support the formation of acids.
Tips for use
Special note: Depending on the size of the tub and the hardness of the water, it may be necessary to increase the recommended dosage in order to achieve the described pH value.Recommended dosage:
The alkaline pH value of the bath water with PANACEO CARE ZEOLITH BASE BATH is approx. 8.5 - 9, taking into account the application recommendation. It is excellently suited for full baths, seated baths and foot baths. For optimal use of the active principle, we recommend using the Zeolite Base Bath twice a week.
Full bath: 2 heaped tablespoons
Seated bath:1 heaped tablespoon
Foot bath:1 heaped teaspoon
Please shake the can before use. Simply sprinkle the indicated amount into the water and bathe for at least 30 - 60 minutes. The optimal water temperature is 37 - 38 degrees. It is recommended to rinse the bath tub with hot water after each use.