Natural Products
Certified medical devices made in Austria
PMA Zeolite for your guthealth

Our PANACEO blog:
News about our PMA - Zeolite and other PANACEO products

Aktuelle News
PANACEO beim Mühlviertel Classic 2024
PANACEO as a participant in the Mühlviertel Classic 2024 charity event

We are proud to have been part of this prestigious charity event and to have made a positive contribution to society.
PANACEO feiert 20 jähriges Jubiläum
PANACEO and zeolite: a 20-year success story for intestinal health

World market leader PANACEO International GmbH celebrates 20 years of zeolite research and development.
Movevo Move Days 2024 – Platz 1 für PANACEO 🎉

GOLD für PANACEO für die kreative Reizdarm-Radiokampagne! 🎬

Find out more about our unique zeolite, gut health and PANACEO research
