Natural Products
Certified medical devices made in Austria
PMA Zeolite for your guthealth

Is zeolite = zeolite?

No, there are some significant differences in quality, safety and effectiveness. There are a total of 200 different artificial and natural zeolites worldwide, which differ in terms of their properties and composition. Zeolite clinoptilolite is the only one known that can be used for medical applications, whereby it must be specially prepared using the unique PMA process.

Even clinoptilolite ≠ clinoptilolite, as the place of extraction influences the exact composition of the mineral and the processing/preparation changes the chemical-physical properties of the zeolite clinoptilolite.

As Panaceo utilises an exclusive mining source and uses a unique, patented manufacturing process, the effect shown for PANACEO in studies only applies to PMA (Panaceo Micro-Activation) zeolite and cannot be transferred to other zeolite clinoptilolites. The results of studies with PMA zeolite are therefore not transferable to other zeolites.