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PMA Zeolite for your guthealth
Erst sportlich, dann immer sportlicher
Erst sportlich, dann immer sportlicher

Exercise And Sport With Increasingly More Intensity, Do Not Forget About Your Gut!

Regular, moderate exercise pays off. Sports such as cycling, swimming, casual running or walking are ideal for doing something good for our bodies. However, if our ambition increases steadily and we want to challenge ourselves more and more, we must not forget about our intestinal health.

This is because high-intensity physical exercise increases blood pressure and heart rate, as well as inhibits the work of the digestive organs. Due to the stress that this causes, it is now known that digestive disorders can be developed.


Intense sports challenge our intestines

The role of the gastrointestinal tract during physical exertion is often underestimated. It plays an important role in energy supply, electrolyte and water balance, and immune defense.

The importance of a healthy intestine is particularly evident in endurance sports. Faster, higher, farther! The more one moves at the personal limit, the more the body adjusts to the "competition". All processes in the body concentrate primarily on the energy supply of the muscles and all other systems, such as digestion, are reduced to a minimum and in extreme cases even switched to emergency operation. Many competitive athletes, such as marathon runners or triathletes, often have to deal with stomach problems and have had negative experiences themselves. It is no coincidence that the stomach rebels during a competition.

Athletes are therefore usually very concerned about the intestines, as these complaints are probably most often responsible for an athlete not being able to perform at his or her best. If gastrointestinal complaints then become chronic, the athletes are not in the proper situation to be able to perform at their best.


A healthy gut - important for performance in sports!

You have to push your limits to get better. This is true, however certain preventive measures, as well as regeneration, are just as important for the body to develop further. However, many people forget about this!

How important a healthy intestine is for the body is shown by the latest findings: 141 international studies prove that the intestine becomes leaky already after short sporting exertions at high intensity as well as during long endurance training. This is referred to as leaky gut.

In the case of leaky gut, performance-reducing toxins and pathogens enter the body's circulation through the leaky intestinal wall. There, they can cause a wide variety of complaints and trigger a wide variety of symptoms, since digestion influences nearly all of the body's functional circuits. In addition to diarrhea and flatulence, which are clearly attributable to the gastrointestinal tract, leaky gut syndrome also causes quite different non-specific symptoms. The permanent penetration of harmful substances into the organism brings the immune system to its limits. The body's own detoxification in the liver runs at full speed. The affected person feels tired and listless, therefore the performance decreases.


A natural mineral can help with intestinal problems

Every athlete now knows what this means for their performance! It is now time to do something about it.

Apart from the important regeneration after sports, a natural mineral can also help in a supportive way. It is the unique PMA zeolite, the natural, intelligent volcanic mineral! With the help of the oral intake, the intestinal wall function and thus the protective barrier of the body can be strengthened against foreign substances. In addition, further studies confirm that inflammations can be reduced and the effect of probiotics can be strengthened. Furthermore, the natural mineral PMA zeolite binds certain pollutants (such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel and ammonium) in the gastrointestinal tract and reduces the burden by their natural elimination. In exchange, the PMA zeolite also simultaneously releases its already contained minerals and trace elements (such as magnesium and calcium) to the body. Through this selective detoxifying and cleansing effect, not only can the protective barrier of the intestinal wall be strengthened again, but also subsequently the immune system is supported and the organs are relieved. The efficiency of the body increases!

Generally speaking, enjoy greater personal performance, vitality and well-being by consciously reducing stress on the body and supporting your intestinal health.